Healing Anxiety and Psychosis

Healing Psychosis

Click to read Chapter 9: Relationships, Anxiety, and Depression of the e-book published September, 2012, Healing Personal Depression & Anxiety For Good:  The Only Self-Help Solution You'll Ever Need

Activism: Letter to Congressman Waxman, in response to the May, 2013 Congressional Oversight committtee meeting on SAMSHA. Response to testimony engineered, by the chair to support the end of SAMSHA and outpatient committment.



Traditional psychiatry and psychology relates to psychosis as a "disease."More than a century has passed and billions of research dollars have been spent to establish the "disease" model of psychosis, without success. Although there have been studies of so-called adolescent "schizophrenic" brains exhibiting about a 10% reduction in gray matter from a normal control group. (UCLA Neuro Imaging Laboratory, 2001). Some studies speculate on the cause, but it is generally unknown.

Of particular interest is that the "disease" model of "mental illness" defined in the latest edition of the diagnostic manual, has recently been rejected as a source of clinical information by the National Institute of Mental Health. The NIMH director stated that the American Psychiatric Association diagnostic manual (DSM-V) lacks sufficient clinical validity for use in research. Yet it continues to be used, by psychologists and psychiatrists, to diagnose individuals, often with severe consequences detrimental to their health and well being.

Psychosis is a human process,similar to another familiar human process, logical thinking. Logical thinking has an effect on the human brain, as does psychosis. There is no qualitative difference.

Psychosis is a process of distantiation from what society, or those who believe they are correct in their perceptions, define as "normal."

Society has regressed to a system of greed, deceit, disingenuousness, distantiation and contactlessness. Individuals are subtly taught to ignore abuse and deceit and look the other way, especially in societal institutions.  One need look no further than the recent financial collapse, bank rescues and failures to see a massive departure from what is seen as "normal" in civilization, with millions of people acting on delusions or false beliefs about the financial markets. In essence, the financial "wizards" have done what those who have been diagnosed as "mentally ill" are often accused of and incarcerated in psychiatric hospitals for doing. The approaches generally referred to as "post-modern," suggest a distinct relationship between the development of capitalism and "schizophrenia. This is documented in a 1972 work by the French philosopher Gille Deleuze and psychiatrist Felix Guattari.

Substantial evidence supports that a diagnosis of "mental illness" is actually a diagnosis of a human reaction to a toxic social environment, not necessarily some internal "dysfunction."

R.D. Laing, (1927-1989) a Scottish psychiatrist and graduate of the University of Glasgow, taught in the U of G Department of Psychological Medicine in the 1950's. He believed that the professional psychiatrist or psychologist often unconsciously identifies the person being diagnosed as having some manifestation of their own (the professional's) inner, unrecognized behavior or quality they (the professional) cannot accept and/or denies in themselves. He referred to this common practice as a "reciprocal projection system." This, of course has little to do with the so-called "patient." Yet, this is what occurs in most every encounter with "mental health" professionals or "mental health" treatment teams, with few exceptions.

A person, judged as "psychotic," is psychologically and physically abused by the so-called "mental health" professions, forced to take pharmaceuticals (under a judges order), some with devastating health effects. Or, forcefully (under a judges order) is subjected to electric shock treatments destructive to their central nervous systems. It has become clear that most psychologists, psychiatrists, and other "mental health" professionals and judges do not understand a person in psychotic process.

The professsional community continues to make the case that psychosis is something within a person, denying that it is a reaction to a toxic environment.  This misplaced logic becomes clear when one develops a relationship with and talks with folks who have been judged as psychotic.

A 12 year National Institute of Mental Health funded study established that those diagnosed with psychosis do better on discharge to the community. The are more effectively treated without resort to neuroleptic medications, by trained para-professionls who have learned the skill of being non-judgmentally present with them, establishing a relatedness, regardless of whatever odd behavior they exhibit.

Healing begins when relatedness is established.

The effective therapist, whether paraprofessional or professional, as part of their training, developed a flexibility in their own character structure to be successful as an agent of change. This is one of the reasons for the requirement of years of training and experience to effect healing. A requirement that licensing boards and most University graduate programs do not abide by. Be leary of professionals who have only completed graduate school, without any in-depth training in psychotherapy, nor have not completed a number of years of their own psychotherapy. Training in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is not sufficient for ameliorating serious problems. While CBT and DBT have reported success with minor problems in living, they fail with more serious disturbances of character or thinking.

There are many unusual and effective treatments for psychosis, mostly ignored or castigated by the main stream professional community. For one example, research has established that treatment from the perspective of   Gut And Psychology Syndrome (GAP), is reported to be effective.  The GAP treatment appears to be effective dietary treatment for psychotic problems. However, in order for it to be effective, one must be obsessive in attention to nutritional details over a number of years.  If the problem with psychosis is sufficiently disturbing, this approach seems to be worth the effort. GAP physicians are available by clicking. Those who practice orthomolecular treatment have exhibited remarkable healing results with individuals experiencing psychosis. R. D. Laing's existential-phenomenological model has produced effective results. Orgonomy and bioenergetics have proven effective with an individual experiencing psychosis. There are many other effective approaches neglected by the main stream.

The bottom line here is that a person can heal their psychotic process with or without the assistance of a well trained psychotherapist. Resarch supports this fact. Research concludes that living in or associating with a therapeutic community with supportive para-professional staff trained in a non-analytic, non-behavioral style of relating, can heal the psychotic process.  Parents, family members, and spouses can learn this effective style of relating. 

In 2012, with the horrible tragedy occuring in Newtown, Connecticut, we see a proliferation of media pundits, politicians, psychology and psychiatry professionals conflating "mental illness" with psychopathy and violence, especially gun violence.  While there is a relationship between psychopathy, past violence, and adults who were abused as children, there is, in fact, a negative relationship between violence and mental illness. Individuals diagnosed with "mental illness," statistically show an absence of violence. Psychopathy, in contradiction to the apologists, is not a "mental illness."


Healing Personal Psychlogy presents healing strategies for psychosis  in the Hard Cover edition and e-Book.

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Jasenn Zaejian, Ph.D. 949-371-3997